Pre 1960's







1980's Rise of ‘green design’ and ecodesign

1980 "The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces", William Whyte

1981-1992 UN Decade of Disabled Persons is declared

1981 Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibilit

1981-2013 Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility (CPSR)

1981-1986 UTOPIA

1982 Founding of the Rocky Mountain Institute by Amory and Hunter Lovins

1983 "Design for Human Scale", Victor Papanek

1983 "Social Design: Creating Buildings with People in Mind. Englewood Cliffs", Robert Sommer, N.J.: Prentice-Hal

1984 "Redesigning the American Dream: Gender, Housing, and Family Life", Dolores Hayden

1984 Center for Inclusive Design and Environmental Access, School of Architecture and Planning, University of Buffalo founded

1985 "Design for the Real World: Human Ecology and Social Change", Victor Papanek

1987 Soy-based ink tested in first practical printing run

1988 The Fair Housing Act

1989 "The Ethical Consumer" magazine

1988 Herbert Simon, “The Science of Design: Creating the Artificial”. Design Issues, 4(1/2), 67–82.

1989 North Carolina State University’s Center for Universal Design is founded by Ronald L. Mace, coined the term “universal design”

1989 The Adbusters Media Foundation is founded by Kalle Lasn and Bill Schmalz

1990 “Politics of the Artificial”, Victor Margolin

1990-2000 Scandinavian Design conference, Malmo, Sweden

1990 A Scandinavian Design Council Manifesto on Nature, Ecology and Human Needs for the Future

1990 American Institute of Architects Committee on the Environment is founded

1990 Cumulus (International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media)

1990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is passed

1991 "The Social Role of the Graphic Designer", Pierre Bernard

1991 The Munich Design Charter

1991 The Riot Grrrl Manifesto in "BikiniKill Zine 2", Kathleen Hanna

1991 Design Corps founded

1991-1998 DesignAge action research program

1991 EcoDesign Foundation in Sydney, Australia

1992 "The Hannover Principles", William McDonough and Michael Braungart"

1992 The Media Foundation

1992 “Buy Nothing Day” – Ted Dave

1992 EcoDesign Foundation presents ‘Green Desires’

1992 Manzini, E., & Cullars, J. “Prometheus of the Everyday: The Ecology of the Artificial and the Designer's Responsibility”. Design Issues, 9(1), 5–20.

1992 Disability Discrimination Act, Australia

1992 “Enough” Anti-Consumerism Campaign, UK

1992 "Ecological Literacy: Education and the Transition to a Postmodern World", David W. Orr 

1993 Women in Design section founded at IDSA (Industrial Designers Society of America)

1993 "Design for Society", Nigel Whitely, critique of consumerist design

1993 US Green Building Council is founded

1993 Congress for the New Urbanism

1993 The Rural Studio program, Auburn University, AL, established i D.K. Ruth and Samuel Mockbee

1993 "What is Socially Responsible Design?", Stephan Klein, ed., Pratt Institute

1993 Doors of Perception

1993 The Declaration of Interdependence for a Sustainable Future established at the (International Union of Architects) UIA World Congress

1993 European Institute for Design and Disability (EIDD)

1994 "Remakings: Ecology, Design, Philosophy", Tony Fry

1994 Design Futures Council is formed

1995 "The Green Imperative", Victor Papanek

1995 "Graphic Agitation", Liz McQuiston, catalogs protest graphics

1995 Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights & Full Participation) Act, India

1995 Disability Discrimination Act, UK

1995 Dodo founded, Helsinki, Finland

1996-1997 Exhibitions of recycled material such as “Re- Materialize” and “Hello Again”

1996 "Architecture and Feminism", Debra Coleman, Elizabeth Danze and Carol Henderson, eds.

1996 "Ecological Design", Van der Ryn, Sim and Stuart Cowan. Washington, DC: Island Press

1996 "Challenging Codes: Collective Action in the Information Age", A. Melucci. New York: Cambridge University Press

1997 "A Guide to EcoReDesign", John Gertsakis, Helen Lewis, and Chris Ryan

1997 "Ecodesign: A Promising Approach to Sustainable Production and Consumption", Han Brezet and C. van Hemel

1997 "Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature", Janine Benyeus

1997 Celery Design Collaborative founded by Brian Dougherty and Rod DeWeese

1997 Pauline, Madge, ‘Ecological Design: A New Critique’ Design Issues, 13(2): 44-54

1997 The Institute for Human Centered Design (IHCD, Boston, MA is founded (formerly The Adaptive Environments Center)

1997 Ron Mace, architect, spearheaded the development in the U.S. of the Principles of Universal Design

1997 The World Wide Web Consortium’s (W3C) launches the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI).

1998 The AIGA “Design for Democracy” initiative is launched to make interactions between the U.S. government and its citizens more understandable, efficient and trustworthy

1998 U.S. Congress amended Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act

1998 People's Communication Charter

1998 "Design beyond design : critical reflection and the practice of visual communication", ed. Jan van Toorn

1998 Incomplete Manifesto for Growth, Bruce Mau

1999 Design Corps, US community focus, often rural or migrant groups

1999 The Glass-House Trust begins evolving into The Glass-House Community Led Design in 2006, UK

1999 "Design and Feminism", ed. Joan Rothschild

1999 Architecture for Humanity, closed in 2015, became the Open Architecture Collaborative

1999 The Helen Hamlyn Centre for Design was founded by Roger Coleman and Jeremy Myerson

1999 "A New Design Philosophy: an Introduction to Defuturing", Tony Fry

2000 Ecosa Institute is founded, ecological design education

2000 "The Manifesto of January 3, 2000", Bruce Sterling

2000 "First Things First" manifesto update, published by Emigré

2000 Conference: Structures for Inclusion 1, organized by Design Corps

2000 Icograda Design Education Manifesto

2001 Designers without Borders, Norway

2001 Diseno etica e comunicazione, AIAP

2001 Socialist Designer's Manifesto - a series of ideologically driven limitations along the lines of Dogme 95

2001 "Designers Against Monoculture", Noah Scalin

2001 The ASID Sustainable Design Council founded (American Society of Interior Designers)

2002 Designmatters curriculum developed at Art Center College of Design, Pasadena, CA

2002 Architecture 2030: getting to zero carbon emission buildings by 2030

2002 "Triangular Design Manifesto", Conceptual Devices

2002 William McDonough and Michael Braungart, Crade-to-Cradle, North Point Press

2002 Victor Margolin and Sylvia Margolin. “ A ‘Social Model’ of Design: Issues of Practice and Research”. Design Issues, Volume 18 | Issue 4 | Autumn 2002, p.24-30

2002 Social Design Notes founded by John Emerson

2002 The European Design for All eAccessibility Network (EDeAN) is launched

2003 Design that Matters

2003 UK Design Council begins work on design-led solutions to social problems

2003 John Bielenberg launches Project M

2003 "Citizen Designer: Perspectives on Design Responsibility", Heller, Steven, and Véronique Vienne

2003 AIGA publish “Print Design and Environmental Responsibility”

2004 "The Philosophy of Sustainable Design", Jason McLennan

2004 AIGA first Compostmodern conference focused on sustainable design

2004 "The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers", C. K. Prahalad and Venkat Ramaswamy

2004 "The Nature of Design: Ecology, Culture, and Human Intention", David W. Orr

2005 Goldsmiths, University of London: Center for Architectural Research–design and politics/spatial politics focus

2005 Design Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University Design Leeds, founded by Guy Julier, specializing in design for social and environmental benefit

2005 The 1%, Public Architecture’s initiative to professionalize pro bono work

2005 SEED (Social Economic Environmental Design), US

2005 Design Against Crime Research Centre established by the University of the Arts London, UK

2005 American Institute of Architects (AIA) sustainable architectural practice position statement

2005 Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC) founded

2005 Utrect Manifest 1 - Bienniale

2005 Disability Act, Ireland

2005 Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), Ontario, Canada

2005 The Ahmedabad Declaration, Education for a Sustainable Future Conference, Ahmedabad, India

2006 Biomimicry Institute founded by Janine Benyus and Bryony Schwan

2006 EcoLabs founded by Dr. Joanna Boehnert in Brixton, London, England

2006 “Ecodesign” category is added to IDSA / BusinessWeek IDEA awards program

2006 "The Public Role of the Graphic Designer", Annalys de Vet, et al.

2006 "Design like You Give a Damn: Architectural Responses to Humanitarian Crises", Murphy, Diana, Cameron Sinclair, and Kate Stohr, eds.

2006 John Thakara, In the Bubble: Designing in a Complex World

2006 Alex Steffen and Sagmeister Inc., "Worldchanging"

2006 AIGA Living Principles for Design are established

2006 Thomas, Angharad, ‘Design, Poverty, and Sustainable Development’ Design Issues, 22(4): 54-65.

2006 An Inconvenient Truth documentary is released (Al Gore, Davis Guggenheim)

2006 The Design Studio for Social Intervention is launched

2006 Manchester Architecture Research Center, University of Manchester–design and politics/spatial politics focus

2007 The Designer’s Dilemma and subsequent Designers Accord

2007 Designers Accord originally climate driven, now expanded

2007 The Buckminster Fuller Challenge

2007 “1000 Words: A Manifesto for Sustainability in Design”, Allan Chochinov

2007 re-nourish website is launched

2007 Tomorrow’s Partners, sustainability-focused strategy firm is founded

2007 Design Can Change is launched

2007 Utrect Manifesto 2 - Bienniale for Social Design

2007 The Agency group at Sheffield School of Architecture is formed

2007 Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) Center for Social Design and MA Social Design program are launched

2007 "The Story of Stuff" film is released

2007 The Service Design Network is founded

2008 Public: Architecture + Communication is founded

2008-2017 Curry Stone Prize, Curry Stone foundation, awarded for innovative excellence in humanitarian design

2008 "Better World by Design" conference is founded by Brown University and RISD students, Providence, RI

2008 Project H Design (Anti)Manifesto: A Call To Action For Humanitarian (Product) Design

2008 Rockefeller Foundation Design for Social Impact Workshop at the Bellagio Conference Center

2008 Change Observer blog launched

2008 Kyoto Design Declaration, signed by members of Cumulus

2008 Conditional Design Manifesto, Luna Maurer, Edo Paulus, Jonathan Puckey, Roel Wouters

2008 Brian Dougherty, Green Graphic Design

2008 Declaration on Sustainability and Cultural Diversity approved by the International Union of Architects (UIA) World Congress

2008 United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

2009 Tony Fry, Design Futuring: Sustainability, Ethics and New Practice (Oxford: Berg)

2009 The Repair Manifesto from Platform21, Netherlands

2009 Charter for Innovation, Creativity and Access to Knowledge, Barcelona Culture Forum for Human Rights in the digital age

2009 This is Not Manifesto — towards an alternative design practice, Garbage Collective

2009 "Design Activism: Beautiful Strangeness for a Sustainable World", Alastair Fuad-Luke

2009 AIGA and Winterhouse Institute host the Aspen Design Summit

2009 "Design is The Problem: The Future of Design Must be Sustainable", Nathan Shedroff

2009 IDEO’s Human Centered Design Toolkit is launched

2009 Discrimination and Accessibility Act is enacted, Norway

2009 Living Building Challenge launched by Cascadia Chapter of US Green Building Council

2009 Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, Chair in Design as Politics is founded, Delft, NL

2009 “The Living Principles for Design,” a framework which distills four streams of sustainability (environment, people, economy, and culture) is launched at the AIGA Design Conference in Memphis

2009 The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design is launched

2010 is launched, social design branch of IDEO

2010 Equality Act, UK

2010 National Law on Persons with Disability, Vietnam

2010 AIGA, The Living Principles website is launched

2010 "The Role of Design in the 21st Century", Danish Designers Manifesto: A Vision for the Future of Danish Design

2010 Anti-Design Festival Manifesto

2010 Bierut, Michael, Thomas Friedman, Edward Morris and Dimitri Siegel. Green Patriot Posters Los Angeles: Metropolis Books.

2011 Icograda Design Education Manifesto, upgraded

2011 Awan, Nishat, Tatjana Schneider, and Jeremy Till, eds. Spatial Agency: Other Ways of Doing Architecture. Routledge.

2011 Cameron Tonkinwise. ‘I Heart Sustainability (Because Necessity No Longer Has Agency)’ Design Philosophy Papers, 2(2011)

2011 Tony Fry, Design as Politics (Oxford: Berg)

2011 AIGA launches the “Design for Good” initiative, a movement for design-driven social change

2012 Open Internet of Things (IOT) Design Manifesto 1.0

2012 "Architecture & Design versus Consumerism: How Design Activism Confronts Growth", Ann Thorpe. Routledge

2012 "Living as Form: Socially Engaged Art from 1991-2011", Nato Thompson ed.,. New York, N.Y.; Cambridge, Mass.; London: Creative Time; MIT Press.

2012 William McDonough collaborates with Stanford University Libraries to create a “living archive” of sustainability with real-time collection of his work and communications

2014 First Things First 2014, an update to 2000 manifesto addressing design in the Digital Age

2015 Victor Margolin, Nynke Tro,p, Bert van Meggelen, Max Bruinsma. Design for the Good Society: Utrecht Manifest 2005-2015

2015 National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, United States Department of Education

2016 David W. Orr, Dangerous Years: Climate Change, the Long Emergency, and the Way Forward Publisher: Yale University Press